Friday, April 20, 2012

Back to the Basics... Carbohydrates

Carbohydrate + Protein + Fat = Balance

Many clients that I interact with want to know the answer to these questions... "How many carbs should I be eating? How much protein do I need? Can't I just cut the carbs to lose weight? If I eliminate fat, then I will burn off my unwanted fat, right?"
Hopefully these next few posts will bring some clarity to what each macronutrient does for your body and why you need ALL of them in order for your metabolism to work efficiently whether the goal is weight gain, loss, or maintenance.

#1 - Carbohydrates

Whether you are an elite athlete or a weekend warrior, carbohydrates are your main fuel source. Maintaining adequate carbohydrate stores for your physical activity is critical for optimal performance. We've all had the days where we didn't fuel as well... compare a day without breakfast to a day with a good breakfast, hydration & snack before a run. Which day turned out better for your performance?
While carbohydrates have gained a bad reputation for causing weight gain, the truth is that carbohydrate and protein both contain 4 calories per gram. As long as you are eating carbs in the right portions sizes, they are absorbed correctly as well as helpful for performance. So how did protein become good and carbs become bad?? The trouble comes from eating the wrong types of carbohydrate: chips, candy, processed food, soda, etc. which also leads to overeating.

What are the healthy carbohydrate choices?

Complex carbohydrates come from the starch and fiber in grains, legumes, potatoes and root vegetables. Choose whole grains when possible! Whole grains include brown rice, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal, whole grain cereal (Kashi), & whole grain bread. These choices contain fiber, B vitamins and protein to fuel the body. Beans, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, corn, squash, and peas are starchy vegetables that also provide a good amount of fiber.
Simple carbs include the simple sugars found in fruits, milk, & honey. Choose low-fat milk, a variety of fruits and honey when needing a natural sugar source. Because these foods are simple carbohydrates, the sugar breaks down faster in the body. It is best to eat these types of food with a protein or healthy fat to keep your blood sugar and energy levels stable since they are lacking in fiber/protein compared to complex carbohydrates.
Try switching sweet potatoes, whole grain bread, brown rice, fruit and low-fat milk for chips, candy, soda, white pasta & cheez-its... I think you will feel a lot more CLEAN and ENERGIZED! You might also find you can eat more for the same amount of calories when choosing cleaner foods.
While the elite athlete will generally need more carbohydrate than the weekend warrior, it is best to contact a registered dietitian if you want a specific meal plan or are training for a specific event.
                                             Look for the protein and fat posts coming soon!

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